Correlation between College GPA and 12th Percentage

Correlation between College GPA and 12th Percentage

Is there a correlation between college GPA and 12th percentage?

Scatterplot Analysis


The scatterplot visualizes the relationship between 12th percentage (y-axis) and college GPA (x-axis) among individuals in the dataset. Each point represents an individual, and its position on the scatterplot indicates their 12th percentage and college GPA.


Upon examination, a trend emerges suggesting that individuals with higher percentages in 12th grade generally tend to have higher college GPAs. Specifically, individuals with 12th percentages ranging from 70% to 80% tend to exhibit college GPAs between 7 and 8. This pattern implies a positive correlation between 12th percentage and college GPA, indicating that higher academic performance in high school may be associated with higher performance in college.


In summary, the scatterplot provides a visual representation of the correlation between 12th percentage and college GPA, highlighting the tendency for individuals with higher percentages in 12th grade to achieve higher GPAs in college.

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